in this issue

So you’ve gotten past the first few days of school. Congratulations!

Maybe you’ve made some new friends, figured out how to work your new schedule, and are starting to get into the groove of things.

But here come the term papers and group projects. Not to mention the tests. Sigh …

Here are 5 tips as to how to stay organized and study effectively (all references are available to you in this memosnag collection by active memosnag user and Creighton University student, Sam Garrett: Improve Studying):

  1. Don’t try multi-task while studying or listening to classroom lectures. According to a 2015 University of Connecticut study, in-class multitasking was found to be negatively predictive of current college GPA as well as the observation that multitasking during homework increases time spent studying outside class. Ouch. Refer to the research supporting this suggestion: https://www.memosnag.com//users/collections/7kEYEDb7jbMp/194329
  2. Try practice tests. According to http://www.thebestcolleges.org, a study in Science magazine showed students who tested themselves with a practice test after learning the material retained 50% more of the information a week later than their peers who did not take a practice test. We know, no one likes test, but it may be worth a try: https://www.memosnag.com//users/collections/7kEYEDb7jbMp/194345
  3. Active recall. Read. Remember what you just read. Mark A. McDaniel, a psych professor at Washington University in St. Louis, believes by reciting and recalling what was just studied, a student can better know and retain through long-term memorization. Break out the flashcards! https://www.memosnag.com//users/collections/7kEYEDb7jbMp/194305
  4. Cite properly and give credit for sources of ideas. Take a look at this memosnag note for various formats of citation: https://www.memosnag.com//users/collections/7kEYEDb7jbMp/194329
  5. Take notes effectively, meaning have a plan of what you are looking for before you start (online and offline). Also, after capturing the reference verbatim (using memosnag.com hopefully) you should paraphrase your own ideas also with it. This will help you use your own voice when starting to write. Take a look at this advice which can be helpful:   https://www.memosnag.com//users/collections/7kEYEDb7jbMp/194281


By following these tips you might find your next paper less daunting and you may have less anxiety studying for your next test.

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