How memosnag helps you avoid a party planning fail

Last year at this time I was planning my daughter’s first birthday party. I felt like I’d waited decades for this event and I was going to get it right. I had been planning for a couple months. Using memosnag, I started by snagging the look I wanted for the party. It was going to… Continue reading How memosnag helps you avoid a party planning fail


So you’ve gotten past the first few days of school. Congratulations! Maybe you’ve made some new friends, figured out how to work your new schedule, and are starting to get into the groove of things. But here come the term papers and group projects. Not to mention the tests. Sigh … Here are 5 tips… Continue reading 5 TIPS FOR STUDENTS TO IMPROVE STUDYING AND RESEARCH SKILLS

This free app just made everything about being a student easier

Brenden is a university student studying Health Administration. After watching his grandfather struggle through cancer when Brenden was fifteen years old, his goal became to research the negative aspects of our nation’s health care and find new, innovative ways to improve them. But with research comes plenty of papers and plenty of clutter: website links,… Continue reading This free app just made everything about being a student easier

Why the free market fails

“complete and transparent information empowers people to make better decisions for themselves” There are some interesting debates on social media between people with different believes around the role of government in the economy. At the extremes there are those who think that the government should control wealth distribution and consequently the core of economic decisions impacting our everyday lives, and those… Continue reading Why the free market fails

Fighting social manipulation, memosnag’s surf page offers a reader generated news feed.

With so little trust for mainstream media and the clear understanding that one must access news from multiple sources in order to get a decently accurate view of the events, memosnag created a crowd-sourced news feed in its surf page that gets articles from a variety of sources from allover the world and even allows users to contribute with their own content or by sharing articles, blogs and videos of their liking.

Is it cheating to use online tools to get ahead in school?

As the internet and various online tools make it easier to produce quality school projects and research, some question “has technology made school too effortless for today’s students, compared to what was expected of older generations?” CAMBRIDGE – As colleges admission requirements become more and more demanding, students across the world have discovered tools that help… Continue reading Is it cheating to use online tools to get ahead in school?

How to avoid buying and receiving useless Christmas gifts

“…almost two out of three people receive a Christmas gift they do not like…” Over the next few weeks about 2 billion people celebrating Christmas around the world will buy gifts for their partners, family members, friends and colleagues. In addition to being expensive, Christmas shopping is also stressful for all those people who, like… Continue reading How to avoid buying and receiving useless Christmas gifts